The application form must be sent by post or by email no later than 1 December 2019 to the following address:
By letter:
Secrétariat SanET, Institut de Recherche en Santé, de Surveillance Epidémiologique et de Formations (IRESSEF)
Arrondissement 4 Rue 2 D1 – POLE URBAIN DE DIAMNIADO
BP 7325, Dakar, SENEGAL
By email: ou
Acceptance of applications will be served on trainees by 02 January 2018 at the end of the trainee selection committee meeting.
Registration fees and teaching fees They amount to 2 310 000 CFA (€ 3 302) distributed as follows:
– Registration fees 1,300,000 FCFA (1,982 €)
– Living rights 860,000 FCFA (1320 €) (accommodation, food, perdium, transport) and must be paid upon acceptance of the application, by bank transfer or check payable to Sante Sunugal.
Registration fees include educational services and materials issued during the course, as well as field survey costs.
Any withdrawal notified to the secretariat of the training:
- More than 4 weeks before the start of the course: gives rise to a full refund of tuition fees;
- Between 4 and 2 weeks before the start of the course: results in a 30% deduction from tuition fees;
- Less than 2 weeks before the start of classes: gives rise to a deduction of 100% of registration fees.